491 research outputs found

    Indicadores de rendimiento en sitios universitarios: Proyecto de analítica web para la Universidad de Chile

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    Màster en Gestió de Continguts Digitals, Facultat de Biblioteconomia i Documentació, Universitat de Barcelona i UPF, curs 2015-2016. Tutor: Dr. Cristóbal Urbano Salido (UB)[spa] A través de la analítica web se pueden establecer indicadores clave de rendimiento para los sitios universitarios, los que junto a otras métricas de inteligencia competitiva provenientes de la cibermetría y las redes sociales, permiten dimensionar de manera global la presencia de las casas de estudios superiores en internet y caracterizar el comportamiento de su audiencia. Como insumo para la arquitectura de información, sin embargo, este método debe complementarse con otras técnicas de investigación de usuarios que entreguen datos cualitativos. El trabajo presenta un proyecto para el estudio de caso del portal institucional de la Universidad de Chile, con el objetivo de entregar recomendaciones para su rediseño y el optimizar los ámbitos de extensión, postgrado e internacionalización.[cat] A través de l'analítica web es poden establir indicadors clau de rendiment per als llocs universitaris, els que al costat d'altres mètriques d'intel·ligència competitiva provinents de la cibermetria i les xarxes socials, permeten dimensionar de manera global la presència de les cases d'estudis superiors en internet i caracteritzar el comportament de la seva audiència. Com a input per a l'arquitectura d'informació, però, aquest mètode s'ha de complementar amb altres tècniques d'investigació d'usuaris que lliurin dades qualitatives. El treball presenta un projecte per a l'estudi de cas del portal institucional de la Universitat de Xile, amb l'objectiu de lliurar recomanacions per al seu redisseny i d'optimitzar els àmbits d'extensió, postgrau i internacionalització.[eng] Using web analytics it is possible to establish Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for university websites, which together with other metrics of competitive intelligence that come from cyber-metrics and social media, allow us to measure on a global scale the presence of higher education institutions on the Internet, and to characterize the behavior of their audience. As an input for information architecture, however, this method should be complemented by other user research techniques that deliver qualitative data. This document presents a project case study on the institutional website of the University of Chile, with the goal of providing recommendations for redesign, and optimization of the areas of outreach, graduate studies and internationalization.El autor contó con la colaboración de la Dirección de Servicios de Información y Bibliotecas (SISIB) de la Universidad de Chile y su Unidad de Medios Digitales; y el apoyo del Instituto de la Comunicación e Imagen (ICEI) de la misma casa de estudios. Para sus estudios de postgrado obtuvo el financiamiento de la Beca Chile de Formación de Capital Humano Avanzado de la Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (Conicyt) del Gobierno de Chile

    Datos abiertos y visualización de información en sitios web de universidades chilenas: una asignatura pendiente

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    The 21st century was accompanied by the opportunities and challenges of an era marked by the saturation of information. However, the greater amount of information did not necessarily translate into a more informed and participatory citizenry. The development of information technologies, the democratization of data and the hyperconnectivity of audiences force us to think about the different ways in which citizens can benefit from a digital world that is not yet completely transparent. That is why this book aims to present an overview of various cases and uses of information visualization in the media and in other organizations concerned with public, political and social communication. Data visualization: Journalism and Communication in the era of visual information, also offers the bases to think about how citizens can demand, collaborate and assist in the development of a State that promotes laws that aim at the probity and transparency of Your activities. From the work of journalists in the media to government organizations, the authors who contribute to this volume analyze cases where the visualization of information has played a key role in the democratic processes of a society threatened by the abundance of false information, as well as as the opportunities and challenges that arise

    Periodismo participativo y blogs: Desafíos de los nuevos espacios de interacción en la web

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    Participatory journalism and blogs: Challenges of the new spaces for interaction on the we

    Datos abiertos y visualización de información en sitios web de universidades chilenas: una asignatura pendiente

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    The 21st century was accompanied by the opportunities and challenges of an era marked by the saturation of information. However, the greater amount of information did not necessarily translate into a more informed and participatory citizenry. The development of information technologies, the democratization of data and the hyperconnectivity of audiences force us to think about the different ways in which citizens can benefit from a digital world that is not yet completely transparent. That is why this book aims to present an overview of various cases and uses of information visualization in the media and in other organizations concerned with public, political and social communication. Data visualization: Journalism and Communication in the era of visual information, also offers the bases to think about how citizens can demand, collaborate and assist in the development of a State that promotes laws that aim at the probity and transparency of Your activities. From the work of journalists in the media to government organizations, the authors who contribute to this volume analyze cases where the visualization of information has played a key role in the democratic processes of a society threatened by the abundance of false information, as well as as the opportunities and challenges that arise

    Web 2.0: espacio de interacción con los usuarios de la biblioteca

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    Talk presented at the "9th Library Conference of the University of Chile: Libraries on the social web ... Become a fan of digital users", Santiago de Chile, January 21, 2010, organized by the Information and Libraries (SISIB) of the University of Chil

    El papel de las publicaciones digitales en el posicionamiento de las universidades

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    The role of digital publications in the positioning of universitie

    Gestión y desarrollo del portal web del Instituto de la Comunicación e Imagen de la Universidad de Chile

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    The web portal of the Institute of Communication and Image sought to achieve the following objectives: Offer a multimedia service that disseminates all the information related to the Institute, contributing to its institutional consolidation; to constitute a tool for disseminating academic work and a dynamic medium that allows the campus to position itself as an outstanding reference for content on communication; support in a transversal way the teaching, extension and internal management tasks of the Institute; generate segmented spaces (channels) towards the different types of potential audience of the portal, both within the university community and among external navigators; define an orderly information architecture with different forms of access, emphasizing usability and the use of international standards for web development; increase the presence of academic publications in electronic format (magazines, research, articles, working documents, papers, among others); reinforce the contingent information area (news and highlights) with reports, interviews, activities agenda, extension notices, offer of courses, products and services; orient graphic design in relation to the image that the University and the Institute wish to project, while interpreting the diversity of concepts that coexist within them; provide expedited access to the information resources and online services currently offered by our university; use a dynamic content management model, with flexible support, and compatible with the future institutional portal of the University of Chile; serve as a platform for setting up future courses and workshops in the form of distance education via the internet (e-learning)

    Gestión eficiente de referencias bibliográficas con Mendeley

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    Mendely is a multiplatform service: web portal, desktop software and mobile application, which allows you to manage bibliographic references; find 30 million academic documents; and share and collaborate online (6 million profiles). It is proprietary and free, acquired in 2013 by Elsevier

    Métodos de inspección para la evaluación de calidad web

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    More than thirty years after the invention of the web, the need persists to evaluate the quality of websites and have instruments that support this task. During the COVID-19 pandemic, given the impossibility of carrying out in-person user experience studies, inspection methods gained renewed validity. These guidelines, applied by experts, can range from checking the level of achievement of specific attributes to global assessments. Therefore, this chapter reviews the main inspection methods for website quality evaluation

    Analítica web: Métricas clave para entender a nuestros usuarios

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    Web analytics: Key metrics to understand our user